
Give your loved ones the best care in their old age, so they live happier lives with greater control, comfort, and independence with all the assistance they need to thrive at home.


Our Monthly Exclusive Senior Care Package Includes:

  • A comprehensive first assessment and personalized care plan
  • A multidisciplinary healthcare team following a single care plan, coordinated by a nurse navigator working with your doctor
  • Personal and nursing care done by qualified nurses for day, night, or 24/7 shifts, to monitor health, promote independence, and enhance quality of life, providing mobility, bath, mealtime assistance at home
  • Personal assistance twice a week for companionship, outings, errands, technology and admin assistance
  • A weekly session with a specialist to preserve health, with choice from a physiotherapist, sport coach, speech therapist, nutritionist, podologist, psychologist, or life coach
  • Plus, a surprise tailor-made experience offered every quarter

KazaCare can also create custom care plans tailored to the unique needs of your family, providing you with our most qualified care teams to ensure safety, companionship, and peace of mind for the whole family

For more information chat to an assistant.